7Rooms B&B a Pisa

Italia7Rooms B&B


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🕗 orari di apertura

83, Via Santa Maria, 56126, Pisa, Provincia di Pisa, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 347 559 9801
sito web: www.7roomspisa.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7197443, Longitude: 10.397125

commenti 5

  • Peter Fabian

    Peter Fabian


    Nice and tidy. Close to everything you would need to see in Pisa. Wheelchair/stroller friendly. Enjoy

  • en

    Houssene M. A. Jahir


    Very very clean & neat Hotel. Very well maintain by the owners. Even though the breakfast was simple, the staff made sure that it was replenished and coffee was served. The room for 3 person was big. Enjoyed my stay.

  • Colin Rudden

    Colin Rudden


    For a change the online photos match reality. Lovely, light and clean room with a large balcony with views of the tower. Breakfast was varied and fresh. Would stay here again and recommend if in Pisa.

  • Beth Mullen

    Beth Mullen


    We originally booked with 4 rooms but received an email that there was an issue with our 4Rooms room so they put us in a quadruple room with a terrace facing the leaning tower. Good customer service! Breakfast was a standard continental breakfast with cold foods only. The doors and windows open with screens so you can leave them open to feel the breeze all night. The only issue I had is the person checking me in said I had to check out prior to 1030 even though my booking said check out was at 11am. Pretty good stay! Just a short walk to the tower.

  • Sean Mullen

    Sean Mullen


    Wonderful location for touring the tower etc, very central to everything in Pisa. Great views from the terrace and the view looks just like on their website. Breakfast is the typical European b and b fare with some croissant and meats, and they actually have an espresso machine and people to help you. Room was very very clean with screens and shutters on all the windows and on the door to the terrace. About a 15 minute walk from the train station and about 5 minute walk from the tower.

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