Artis Hotel Rome a Rome

ItaliaArtis Hotel Rome



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Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
Via Roberto Fancelli, 3, 00169 Rome, RM, Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 2326 7789
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.8662549, Longitude: 12.5762718

commenti 5

  • en



    This hotel is located way out of the city of Rome:a quiet place but a little far from the centre. It is lovely outside and indoor, very clean. The staff is very friendly, the service was excellent. The rooms are not bad, provided with a good wifi connection. The food was quite good. Finally we enjoyed stayed there and I would suggest if you are planning a trip to the wonderful city of Rome. This hotel was a great value for money.

  • en

    Govind Ajith


    Bit far from city centre but enough commute options via Roma public bus/metro lines. Good staff, good maintenance.

  • en

    Siobhian copeland - white


    Hotel is located about an hour from Rome town and have to take a bus and train , however train to keys arrn too bad €1.50 for 100mins and €10.50 for 48 hours which strays from when you validate it. The rooms are nice and staff friendly and helpful. No air con as they were in the process of changing over. Buffet breakfast is available mainly biscuits jams cereal eggs and Frankfurters.

  • Wouter Donks

    Wouter Donks


    Nice atmosphere and friendly people. Good quality for a great price. Metro on walking distance if you are a fit person.

  • en

    Carl Thomas


    It is all most a hour commute to the city where every thing is. A bus and the metro because a taxi is €50 one way so when ur out ur out for the day there is no piping back it's to much hard work and takes to long. Hotel is lovely staff amazing but there is Nothing around no bars or restaurant NOTHING we no we looked for over 3 hour's the nearest bar is a €20 taxi ride away

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