Basilica di San Petronio i Bologna

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ItalienBasilica di San Petronio



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5, Piazza Galvani, 40124, Bologna, Città Metropolitana di Bologna, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 051 231415
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.4929435, Longitude: 11.3431292

kommentar 5

  • Ognian Dimitrov

    Ognian Dimitrov


    Extremely interesting church. Outside is built in Romanesque style, while the interior is in Gothic style. I think it is one of the largest brick buildings in Italy.

  • Kevin Patrick

    Kevin Patrick


    Insider's tip: it's not well publicised but as at April 2018 there is a viewing platform open to the public, giving the most magnificent views over the city. The cost is €3 per head, it opens at 10am and the entrance is on the Piazza Galvani. The only "downside" is that it utilises the workman's lift and scaffolding being used for the restoration - so not for the faint hearted! If you are up for it, you will be rewarded by the most amazing panoramas over Bologna, from the Two Towers right round to San Luca. Amazing!!!

  • en

    Lucian Popescu


    Exterior is quite non-impressive. Built in a Gothic/Romanesque style typical of Medieval Italy, then enlarged in later ages. The most important parts are the many chapels, some adorned with stained glasses and old paintings. By far the most important sight is "Capella dei Re Magi" (Chapel of Magi), holding one of the best Gothic paintings in the world. That alone convinced me to visit Bologna...

  • Josh Sole

    Josh Sole


    Rough exterior, but very nice interior. Definitely worth the stop if you're in the area. 2€ is not too much to take some nice pictures. --- One strange thing though, my group exited the building and realized that one friend did not leave with us. Two security guards absolutely refused to let us re-enter the building to get our friend, offered no explanation as to why, and did not offer any solution other than walking ALL the way around this enormous church just to step back inside and tell our friend it was time to go. --- If this was based on some type of tradition or rule, they made no attempt to inform us, and came off as very rude. One man even left his post to go stand in between my group and the exit until our friend came out, presumably making SURE we didn't go back in. All very strange, considering that entrance is free.

  • Felipe Santarelli

    Felipe Santarelli


    Very nice church, bright and spotless. Need special bracelet to be allowed to shoot pictures. There are other options to admire ie museum inside .....

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