Caffè delle Terme i Roma

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ItalienCaffè delle Terme



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82, Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 00185, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 06 474 6023
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9036398, Longitude: 12.4948965

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ernesto Garcia


    Pizza 2/5 Place 3/5 Service 1/5 Many restaurants around the area that are much better service and quality I would advise to skip this one. Worst restaurant we had dinner at in Italy by far

  • en

    Anastasiia Migunova - im student


    I gave a low mark because of the service, the food was fine the chef was very friendly. When it came to payment a waitress (a blond one) 3 times repeated ( nobody knows why) they accept only cash and Visa carts, neither options i had. When a cashier got a machine, while i was trying to explain i dont have a visa but MasterCard, i saw that they have a contactless option of payment and decided to get it a try with my iPhone, however cashier was rushing, nervous, she repeated so many time to giver her my card. I was calmly trying to explain what i want to do in both languages ( english and italian) no one wanted to listen to me. Her gesticulations became more nervous and chaotic towards me. Then she put away the machine, then returned it back press some buttons ( keeping raising her voice, apparently in italian) and i paid. She didnt get what happened I guess, however the information “we accept only visa” failed straightaway with my success. No one apologies for incompetent attitude, no one said anything to me. I just left. Will never ever recommend this place to anybody, the staff simple cannot provide customers with nice and friendly service.

  • Jessica Goodes

    Jessica Goodes


    Food reasonable prices but was pre-cooked and just heated up to serve, tasted ok but not as good as other more authentic restaurants we'd tried.

  • Henry Searle

    Henry Searle


    Friendly staff and nice restaurant area. However overpriced, €18.50 for 2 caffe late and 2 (microwaved) pastries. Disgusting toilet facilities also, serviettes used for loo roll and hand towels.

  • Nelson Chen

    Nelson Chen


    The food was pretty bad food for a restaurant in Rome, Italy. We had pizza which was microwaved and tasteless. The only waiter who was more interested getting people in the door than to get our food and check. The price was on high side for the quality of the food. Would advise any visitors of Rome stay clear from this place.

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