Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro i Bologna

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ItalienCattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro


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7, Via dell'Indipendenza, 40125, Bologna, Città Metropolitana di Bologna, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 051 222112
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.4957919, Longitude: 11.3432172

kommentar 5

  • Ognian Dimitrov

    Ognian Dimitrov


    Against the background of other churches in the city, the cathedral is nothing special. It is near the central square and is not particularly large. It is not worth a special visit.

  • en

    Lucian Popescu


    Unimpressive exterior, very beautiful interior typical of Baroque Italy. Capella Maggiore along with Capella dei Re Magi in San Petronico Basilica were the main reason I decided to visit Bologna

  • Gordana Podvezanec

    Gordana Podvezanec


    Great painting of Hell by Giovanni da Modena

  • Oleg Naumov

    Oleg Naumov


    Very beautiful Cathedral but too few of original interiors survived inside after baroque reconstructions. Admission is free but any donation is welcomed and highly appreciated. Visitors are allowed to take non commercial photo without flash light.

  • i pm

    i pm


    Very impressive. Although, I think, the original church was built some 1,000 years ago what you see today is only remotely remind you to the original one. Still, amazing artwork, fantastic architectural marvel. Well worth a visit.

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