Euromotel i Verona

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Strada Bresciana, 37139, Verona, Provincia di Verona, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 045 890 3890
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.446816, Longitude: 10.939925

kommentar 5

  • en

    Atheer Hameed


    Fair hotel. Good breakfast, good location. Old building, old furniture.

  • en

    Momir Momir


    A great hotel in a great location for those who come by car in Verona. Free parking. In front of the hotel there is a bus 33 that leads to Castell Vecchio. On return 33 stops at the Ponte Pietro bridge, and descends to Migros megamarket. The best thing you can do for yourself is to buy Verona Card for 18 euros (24 hours). It's completely worth it, because you will save for all the places you need to visit.The hotel staff was very friendly and did not have any communication problems in English.The breakfast was remarkable with a rich selection.WiFi does not work in the room. In order to have a connection, you need to get to the reception, there is only a good signal.

  • en

    Natalia Skawińska


    This was so much better than we expected for the price. Clean, simple room with a nice bathroom, very friendly and professional staff, and an option to buy breakfast for absurdly cheap. The breakfast was delicious too, with a wide range of products, fruits, and cheese available. There was even milk for vegans, lactose free stuff etc. The hotel has a large parking lot free for guests and there are several buses you can take to Verona. Supermarket 200 m from the hotel if you like packing your own lunch. Definitely value for money.

  • en



    Pleasantly surprised with accommodation, room was spacious and very clean. Everything rather dated but well looked after which is reflected in the price. One thing was absolutely amazing - breakfast!!!! Quality, selection, taste and all for around £3!!!! I would give breakfast only 5* :-)

  • Mick Barni

    Mick Barni


    Don't let the outside view fool you, or as a wiser men use to say: don't judge the book by its cover! This hotel inside is beautiful, very well presented, the rooms are spacious and clean, and the staff is helpful in any way they can! Absolutely recommended!

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