Grand Hotel Villa Politi i Siracusa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ItalienGrand Hotel Villa Politi


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2, Via Maria Politi Laudien, 96100, Siracusa, Provincia di Siracusa, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 0931 412121
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Latitude: 37.0783186, Longitude: 15.2933167

kommentar 5

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    tom tom


    Old fashion, luxury hotel on the hill over syracusa ortegia...

  • en

    Elaine Walker


    Beautiful hotel that exudes elegance. Friendly and helpful staff who were also available to assist us.

  • en

    David McLean


    A gem of a hotel. Independent. Quietly efficient. Clean. Friendly. Efficient. Beautiful pool. Good food. Reasonable prices. Iconic.

  • Lucas Crabtree

    Lucas Crabtree


    Comfortable room with great view. The hotel is out of the Syracuse centre however. Huge pool. The hotel needs a coat of paint externally which would really lift the hotel.

  • Ingmar van Dijk

    Ingmar van Dijk


    This place is really run down. The lobby has some old classiness, but the rooms are in dire need of some work. Poorly cleaned and broken details. The shower is the smallest one I ever showered in and the water temperature fluctuates wildly at times. As for extra costs (July 2017): pool towels are €2.50 to rent and the money goes to charity. You can use your own. The pool is free to use, big enough, and has good sunbeds. The nearby seaside section goes for €24 per session! (2 sunbeds and an umbrella.) At breakfast they try to sell orange juice for €2 extra and remind you this is a good price, as it should be €4... All other breakfast items are included and it is of decent quality. Eggs or plates might run out though as it seems understaffed. In the evening the free WiFi speed seems to go down and it can hardly be used anymore, probably a shared connection over many people. You can walk to the old center of Syracuse in about 30min if you're into walking, but it is not a particularly nice walk. Not shady or dangerous or anything, just boring and dirty at times, but perfectly doable. In summary: this hotel has lost the class it once had, and it desperately trying to make extra money off its guests in a pathetically obvious way. In my opinion it is not worth the €125 a night I booked for.

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