Hilton Garden Inn Rome Claridge i Roma

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ItalienHilton Garden Inn Rome Claridge


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62, Viale Liegi, 00198, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Włochy
kontakter telefon: +39 06 845441
internet side: hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 41.922281, Longitude: 12.493464

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Ashley

    Stephen Ashley


    This was a very nice hotel that is a little outside the city center, but is well connected to the public transportation of Rome. My wife and I actually liked that it was a little outside the city center because there wasn't as many tourists. There is a train/tram station right in front of the hotel and the hotel will sell you bus passes. The staff were very nice and accommodating! They made a reservation at a restaurant that was just around the corner, and the food was fantastic.

  • Marco Corso

    Marco Corso


    Ottimo hotel di livello in zona Parioli, signorile ed elegante ma non proprio centrale... Non vi ho pernottato quindi non posso dare un giudizio completo! Ad ogni modo ottimo personale e pulizia

  • Christa Ramey

    Christa Ramey


    The staff was generally quite helpful. The room was clean. The bed was comfortable. HOWEVER, the weather got down into the 50s Fahrenheit and we were unable to turn on the heat. The front desk explained that the entire building only has either heat or air conditioning, but not both. They do not have space heaters to offer either. So be warned that if there is a cold snap, you will just be cold. These rooms are quite expensive, so I was frustrated that I was forced to freeze through the night because there is no heat in the building.

  • Marius Lobontiu

    Marius Lobontiu


    Good, very standard business hotel. Welcoming staff, friendly and helpful. Room was clean and functional. Decent price for Rome, and a good location too. About 10 EUR to get to the city centre by taxi. Overall a good experience and a comfortable stay.

  • pl




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