Hopfen & Co. a Bolzano

ItaliaHopfen & Co.


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🕗 orari di apertura

17, Piazza delle Erbe, 39100, Bolzano, Provincia di Bolzano - Alto Adige, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 0471 300788
sito web: www.boznerbier.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.499305, Longitude: 11.352521

commenti 5

  • Dominick Weldon

    Dominick Weldon


    Awesome bar. Amazing restaurant. Friendly staff and reasonable prices.

  • Jurie Pohl

    Jurie Pohl


    The best food and beer in Bolzano!!! Very quick service as well. Definitely my favourite restaurant in the area.

  • Peter Ahlqvist

    Peter Ahlqvist


    We asked around for locally produced beer and were shown to Hopfen e Co - a brew pub (which indeed makes the beer very local). I ordered a darker kind - a big glass - and as I have a big nose I always smell things before I try them. The smell wasn't promising - to say the least. It smelled like sewer. But hey - a lot of beers have funny smells and I thought I'd try something new. It wasn't very good at all. We left without doing anything more than just sipping our beers. But my story doesn't end there. We met up with some local friends and asked them to pick a place. Guess which place they chose..? So - we went there again - for food - and I had decided to have a bottled beer instead - only I received the same thing I had some days earlier. This time, however, it was good. It smelled allright and it was a pretty good beer. Perhaps there was something amiss last time? The food was nice. Tyrolean. I ate too much, as usual, because it is so dreamy with all its simple but carefully selected ingredients. That, together with decent service, old fashioned Teutonic pub fashion plus the fact that I adore brew pubs, makes Hopfen e Co. a place that I will probably visit again, but that first meeting with their home brew (which should have been a passionate one) put me off. That's why I'm rating the place with three stars and not four.

  • barbara e.a. piga

    barbara e.a. piga


    Strongly suggested. Nice place and atmosphere, very good food and beer. It worthwhiles to wait a while for a table (they do not accept reservations, you just have to be added to their list). In the historical core of Bozen.

  • Samuele Proietti

    Samuele Proietti


    I liked the place, was one of the few restaurants open on Sunday evening in Bozen. Awesome and characteristic, offers good beer, friendly service and, depending on offer of the week, good food (in addition to a nice Macedonia! 😀). Definitely to check out!

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