Hotel Agli Artisti i Venezia

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ItalienHotel Agli Artisti



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99/c, Calle Priuli dei Cavaletti, 30121, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 041 523 0971
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4423198, Longitude: 12.3214148

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lizelle Marais


    Position good but that is it. Bad rooms very very low standard, breakfast 1star!!

  • en

    Kathy Garcia


    Hotel Agli Artisti 3 star, is a false advertisement. We were put in the fourth floor, and we had to lug 4 heavy luggage up 5 flights of stairs and then back down, (1st floor really brings on the 2nd floor). The rooms have a foul order similar to wet dog. Our AC, and TV were not in working condition (no cable). We immediately decided to find a new hotel. We did pay more for a 4 star hotel, but it was a million times worth the suffering we endured during the 5 flights of stairs with our luggage. We are well in our sixties and now have back and shoulder pain from this ordeal. We were lied to, and do not recommend this hotel to anyone. This hotel is more like a motel and should be rated as a 1 star.

  • El'dar Osman

    El'dar Osman


    Nice room and service. Very close to the stations. Service desk personnel is very helpful Everything was clean and even safe was in the cabinet The only problem I met that they accept cash only City tax. But rent price is accepted with credit card.

  • Eleanor Yeh

    Eleanor Yeh


    The service was great, they spoke English very well, were incredibly nice, very responsive, and there was someone at front desk 24/7. I didn't expect a lot for the cheap price. We got a nice and clean room, overall had a good experience. It was worth the price we paid. The complimentary breakfast was also incredibly good.

  • Elias Cosculluela

    Elias Cosculluela


    The hotel was very friendly and very positive. They made a positive experience with me. Although the room size is small and the toiletries is small as well, I am not the kind of person that came to stay in a hotel but to travel all around it. Im here for the people that are very positive and welcoming to the state. I love this hotel and I plan to use it again if i come back to Venice.

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