Hotel Beverly Hills Rome i Roma

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ItalienHotel Beverly Hills Rome



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220, Largo Marcello Benedetto, 00198, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 06 854 2141
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9183231, Longitude: 12.49747

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thiago Veronese


    Hotel nice but old. The single room is very small. Toillet was broken and shower is very small .

  • en

    Susan Mounty


    I was disappointed with this hotel. In the rooms it is very tired looking. The cleaning was not up to standard for a four star hotel, it was more like a, two star. The bar man was the only person who greeted us and smiled. The breakfast room was downstairs bit dark and dingy looking, The receptionist were not very cheerful and when we got there our guide had to hand out our keys not the desk which I thought was poor. The evening meals we had were good. It is also on aain road so was very noisy

  • en

    Savannah Scott


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... A little bit far from the main attractions in the city, but there is good transportation (as good as it can get in rome anyway). The lobby is very nice and welcoming and so is the staff. The room are pretty basic but spacious and clean. Breakfast is simple and to the point.

  • en

    Or Gotlib


    A little bit far from the main attractions in the city, but there is good transportation (as good as it can get in rome anyway). The lobby is very nice and welcoming and so is the staff. The room are pretty basic but spacious and clean. Breakfast is simple and to the point.

  • en

    Dan Troy


    Very modern hotel. Excellent bar and restaurant. Very helpful staff. Conveniently located to major Rome attractions.

nærmeste Bar

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