Hotel Teocrito i Siracusa

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ItalienHotel Teocrito


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71, Viale Teocrito, 96100, Siracusa, Provincia di Siracusa, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 0931 24944
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Latitude: 37.075239, Longitude: 15.287026

kommentar 5

  • en

    Montambault Claude


    Very comfortable small bb hotel on second floor of previously larger hotel. Clean and quitet. At edge of town ...would need a car to visit the island point. Close to archeological museum and theatre ruins. Very good breakfast, helpful staff

  • Chris Coombs

    Chris Coombs


    Really liked our stay here. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Fair amount of English and Spanish spoken also. Rooms are a good size and comfortable with good selection of TV channels. Air con works well. Breakfast was nice also with good selection of cakes, as well as cold meats, and bacon & scrambles eggs etc. About a 20 min walk to Ortigia island (which was pretty and worth seeing, but not all that amazing). This location was then a good base to explore other parts of the area (especially Ragusa & Noto which were amazing). Good rates at this hotel make it great value for money. Street parking relatively easy outside next to the Church (which you can’t miss from mile away).

  • Geoffrey Ghigo

    Geoffrey Ghigo


    Comfortable hotel close to centre

  • Katarína Koščová

    Katarína Koščová


    nice hotel, within walking distance from everything interesting in Syracuse, great location and very good service

  • Ding Sun

    Ding Sun


    Hotel teocrito is located in a residential apartment building, but not very difficult to find. The location is a little bit far from the old town. Free parking is on streets nearby. The room is clean and well equipped, and the staff is warm. Breakfast is quite good.

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