Hotel Villa Mater i Catania

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ItalienHotel Villa Mater


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Via Vittorio Bottego 10, 95125 Catania CT, Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 095 580532
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Latitude: 37.53074, Longitude: 15.087108

kommentar 5

  • en

    charlene hili


    Great service from all members of staff. Good room cleanliness.

  • en

    David Bonello


    It's a good 3 star hotel

  • Istvan Toth

    Istvan Toth


    Reasonable price, basic breakfest, basic room. Parking is free but there are limited slots.

  • Sophia Darkaoui

    Sophia Darkaoui


    Not a great place to be honest. Not in walking distance from town or beach. We had electricity issues, low water pressure in the shower, water in the shower was either boiling hot or ice cold, we also had brown water running from the tap and airco isn't that great either (it gets super hot here in summer...) so with all of that we changed 3 rooms in 24 hours time...and ended up changing hotel. Wifi works very well and staff are friendly too, trying to find a solution to our issues...

  • en

    Dav Henn


    Great value, very clean and helpful staff. A well kept hotel.

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