Montresor Hotel Tower a Bussolengo

ItaliaMontresor Hotel Tower


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🕗 orari di apertura

30, Via A. Mantegna, 37012, Bussolengo, Provincia di Verona, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 045 676 1000
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4689498, Longitude: 10.8521784

commenti 5

  • en

    Remo Miko


    It is a very good place ,friendly people

  • Ken Metcalf

    Ken Metcalf


    This is my second visit to Verona and my second stay at the Montresor Hotel Tower. The rooms are very spacious and the staff are helpful and friendly. The hotel was recommended by a local business associate which reinforced the good impression I had. There is off street parking for your car and the breakfasts are great. I would recommend staying here.

  • Gabriel Balint

    Gabriel Balint


    Really spacious hotel, you have all the space you need. Everything is a bit bigger than normal, including the bathroom (which is almost giant). I REALLY liked that the breakfast room was on the 13th floor then I had a great views at breakfast time. Also during the way up with the elevator the views are as enjoyable as during the breakfast.

  • en

    Patrick Brechet


    We spend a night before a day at Gardaland. Very nice hotel. Employees very kind. You can go there without hesitation.

  • en

    Wanda Sheikh


    Room was clean and nice. 3 problem I faced. 1. It was hot in room and ac was regulated by hotel so could not turn on. Was forced to open window and could not sleep due to road noise. 2. Bedsheets are either made of polyester or were her starched making it uncomfortable. Pillows were extremely flat. 3. No iron in room and during vinitaly only option was to give to hotel at a high rate to press clothes and return next day.

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