Oriente Hotel Bari i Bari

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ItalienOriente Hotel Bari


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32, Corso Cavour, 70122, Bari, Città Metropolitana di Bari, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 080 525 5100
internet side: www.orientehotelbari.it
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1227919, Longitude: 16.872975

kommentar 5

  • en



    Nice hotel....good location....nice staff

  • hagay isaak

    hagay isaak


    the hotel is wonderful, the service was great, nice Italian style breakfast with good variety the location is great, OK distance to city center, old town and main station. there is one point to be made, some of the rooms face the inner courtyard and some on first floors have obscured windows with barely any sunlight, i would recommend to avoid them, they are not worth the money.

  • Kristi Pango

    Kristi Pango


    Great position, good staff. Could barely breath in the room as there was barely any air, and was pretty warm even with the Air Conditioner off. The shower somehow went from warm to scorching by itself which was not nice but overall, the bathroom was nice and spacious. Nicer than the room itself I would say. The breakfast was fine. Overall Nice.

  • Anthony Micallef Debono

    Anthony Micallef Debono


    An excellent hotel in the centre of Bari. Great well sized room with very good facilities and a great buffet breakfast. Highly recommended

  • Maya Kavtaradze

    Maya Kavtaradze


    Very good location - just in the main street. Breakfast is good, staff very helpfull. Rooms are clean and comfortable. But before making the reservation, make sure that your room has a window to the open air: most of the rooms are inside the building and have windows to the space that has a roof. We were lucky that room with street view was available and for extra charge were upgraded.

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