Orto di Venezia a Venezia

ItaliaOrto di Venezia


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🕗 orari di apertura

1, Via de le Motte, 30141, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 348 872 7500
sito web: ortodivenezia.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.454275, Longitude: 12.390067

commenti 5

  • en

    Alyssa Karotkin


    We tried to book a tasting, but they didn’t give us a time and just told us to come, as they were close to the water bus stop. I checked the website, and it said they were open from 14:30 to 18:30. We showed up on the day we had told them we would come at 16:05 and couldn’t find anything open, other than the gates to the property. The sign on the property also said they were open from 14:30 to 18:30. I called a phone number on the sign and we could hear it ringing. When the person picked up, I was told that they close at 16:00 on Friday. It was very inconsiderate, especially as the next water bus didn’t come for about an hour and we couldn’t find anything open on the island.

  • Gregorio Lenarduzzi

    Gregorio Lenarduzzi


    Non so se sia più incantevole il posto o più buono il vino. Siamo ad altissimi livelli. Meraviglioso

  • Roger de Brantes

    Roger de Brantes


    This review is for the winery called ORTO in San Erasmo. As the place looked attractive enough from the road, I wandered in to buy a couple of bottles while waiting for the water bus. Beside the rather charming, older, decaying house, a barn has been refitted into a modern salesroom. After standing in front of this for a couple of minutes, a woman eventually and obviously regretfully detached herself from an outside table (it was 4:30 PM, so it's not like I was interrupting her lunch), and asked me acidly what I wanted (you can tell the French ownership..). "Err, buy some wine??". Ostentatiously unhappy with this answer, she shooed me inside, and, in obvious pain, explained that they had only white wine, and that it was good. To be fair, I didn't ask for a tasting (so she didn't have the opportunity to refuse), and asked for the price of a bottle of 2015, which is generally a good year. 28€, but today I could have it for 25! I blanched, but tried to keep a brave face. She then asked me how many (bottles? crates?) I wanted, and when I said "just one, please" I learned how people look at you when you are a canine dejection stuck on their shoe. Anyway, she pocketed the money, put the bottle in a nice (but useless, it kept opening) cardboard carrier, and got rid of me asap. The wine is nice (yes, I do happen to know my wine), effectively and sleekly marketed to a "bobo" clientèle, but when it comes down to it, you can get pretty much the equivalent (or better) in quality/taste in any decent supermarket. For a fraction of the price, and without the sneering.

  • it

    Massimo Cisternino


    Vino magnifico. Veramente buono oltre ogni aspettativa.

  • Gianluca Leporatti

    Gianluca Leporatti


    Vino di ottima qualità!!!

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