Otisopse a Firenze




🕗 orari di apertura

7 R, Piazza Nazario Sauro, 50124, Firenze, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 055 239 9038
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7692973, Longitude: 11.2467674

commenti 5

  • en

    Yuri Balagtas


    I LOVE THE SEE BOOTS! I bought a pair from the outlet store across the street hoping to use them on special occasions as they are abit dressy. I ended up using them for about 95% of our european trip as they are so comfortable. That trip involved walking the whole day everyday for more than 2 weeks. Now i have to figure out how to order them online ... 4 stars unfortunately the male sales person from the outlet store was not friendly at all.

  • en

    Emily Mark


    My shoes broke after having them three weeks...wore them about ten days total. When I took them in to ask if they at least could recommend somewhere to get them repaired, they refused to help at all. I spent €90 on them.

  • susan mielke

    susan mielke


    Loved the Otisopse outlet store in Florence! 3 pairs for me and 1 each for the boys :) So happy to have found beautiful shoes at great prices.

  • en

    carol lalka


    Love these shoes! I get so many compliments on my one pair of shoes I bought there, and I also have problems with my feet and often experience pain with a lot of shoes that I wear. These are fantastic and I need more! Very reasonably priced and great quality, too!

  • name No

    name No


    Very reasonable n so many kind of shoes. I got one by 20 Euro.

Negozio di scarpe più vicina

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