Queen's Chips a Venezia

ItaliaQueen's Chips



🕗 orari di apertura

4190, Strada Nova, 30121, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39
sito web: queenschips.eu
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.440988, Longitude: 12.3348932

commenti 5

  • Christopher Haines

    Christopher Haines


    Sometimes you just fancy a good, hearty portion of chips, and this is the place to go to get it. Along the main high street, Queen's chips lives up to its name. They're chunky, warm and very filling. You can get three portion sizes but be warned, they are larger than the pictures advertise. You get more in a medium than you'd think (I learned this from experience!). You can get a variety of sauces to go on the chips from classic ketchup and mayo to more adventurous like curry or martino - (tomato and chilly sauce). The chips are cooked quickly and the prices are pretty reasonable, making this a good place to visit for a quick bite to eat.

  • en

    Alicia Palmer


    Beautiful chips, portion sizes were slightly small but still worth it.

  • en

    Rianne McDonald


    Thought it was a little pricey for a small cone of chips and some sauce but even the small was massive, the sauce was lovely and the chips were very hot and fresh. Staff were very friendly and helped me decide on a sauce.

  • Lost Berlin

    Lost Berlin


    Stumbled across this place by accident - bit very happy to have done so. Very tasty fries. Quick service and the price was fair as well. A small portion will set you back €3.50 (plus .50 for a sauce) but it's more than enough for one person. We weren't super hungry, so we shared a small portion. The only drawback was they they were a bit stingy with the sauces. Otherwise highly recommended if you're looking for a quick snack.

  • Avery Watkins

    Avery Watkins


    Great place to grab a snack. The sauces and delicious. You can either had the sauce on top or have it on the side. Service is quick and good. Tip: don't make your eye bigger then your stomach. If you are not sharing or barely sharing the small is good enough.

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