Ristorante Cinese Wang Xiang Lou i Roma

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ItalienRistorante Cinese Wang Xiang Lou



🕗 åbningstider

5, Via del Viminale, 00184, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 06 482 1487
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Latitude: 41.9011247, Longitude: 12.4969742

kommentar 5

  • Caidan Murray

    Caidan Murray


    Very kind staff. Many many options that are some of the most reasonable I’ve seen! Quiet inside regardless of how noisy it is outside. Free tap water, option to deliver through food service. Only downside is I had to ask for chopsticks :)

  • Han E

    Han E


    We we're looking for something resembling a home cooked meal. We found this place with an okay review so we thought to try. It was a disappointing experience to say the least. Maybe the locals here may give it a few stars not knowing any better. But if one is Asian, don't bother. Try your best to suppress your desire for a taste from home. Go have another Italian meal until you hate it with a passion. But never ruin your appetite by dining here.

  • en

    Maria Britvich


    Very nice cheese restaurant! Delicious food, good portions and very reasonable price! Good service!

  • en

    dsb xatx


    It was a nice surprise to find a Chinese restaurant tonight. Staff is okay. We ate noodles and duck and it was good. The portions were okay but when it comes to duck I always feel I could have had more, but it is a personal thing. Service was fast. Just for information, in the menu there are many soups to choose from, it doesn't happen in every Chinese restaurant in Rome.

  • en

    Rod Guzman


    I really like this place, I visit it every time I go to Rome. I like the fact the they speak English, they have a good choice of Latin American dishes, they are very centrally located and most of all they prices are very competitive!!!

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