Savoy Rimini Hotel i Rimini

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ItalienSavoy Rimini Hotel



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13, Lungomare Augusto Murri, 47921, Rimini, Provincia di Rimini, IT Italy
kontakter telefon: +39 0541 396600
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.0654056, Longitude: 12.5840366

kommentar 5

  • en

    Renato Clarin


    Very clean rooms nice reception staff are great and very helpful and courteous

  • Saied Sadighian

    Saied Sadighian


    The hotel staff is very kind and the location is great. We have a sea view room. It was a very large room with a large king size bed plus a single bed for the 7 year old child. There was still plenty of room as well as a nice and large balcony with a round table and 4 chairs. The rooms are not modern, but very clean. The bathrooms could be improved... the Spa is beautiful and with a fantastic view but it is a shame for the owner, a lady whose name was i think Dina... she was very impolite and arrogant and was not collaborative at all. The other girls working there were very kind though. Luckily she was not able to spoil our stay there. The steam room was not working despite the fact they told us it was working... Breakfast was nice and there was a very kind lady preparing sweets, cakes and croissants. The pistachio croissant was top notch. Anyhow overall it was a nice stay. I would probably go back another time.

  • Manuela De Angelis

    Manuela De Angelis


    Good food, super breakfast, comfortable bed! Troublesome heaters ....though

  • Dennis Uygur Andersson

    Dennis Uygur Andersson


    Clean rooms and good service. A little more well-staffed around the pool area would be great :)

  • en

    Michael Ward


    Clean and comfortable. Great breakfast. Staff friendly but not proactive needed to ask for local map. Small issues with aircon and the bloody DJ next door! All in all pretty good value.

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