The St. Regis Rome i Roma

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ItalienThe St. Regis Rome



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3, Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 00185, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Włochy
kontakter telefon: +39 06 47091
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9040717, Longitude: 12.4948729

kommentar 5

  • Marco Corso

    Marco Corso


    Senza dubbio uno dei migliori alberghi di Roma, lussuoso di alto livello e centralissimo! Prezzi ovviamente non alla portata di tutti, massima attenzione e cortesia da parte del personale! Non posso aggiungere informazioni sulle camere in quanto non vi ho mai soggiornato

  • en

    Andrew Campbell


    Our stay was amazing! We we're upgraded to a deluxe room with complimentary Butler service - a real treat! The room was decorated with love flowers upon our arrival, and everyone has been incredibly cheerful and helpful with any questions. There is a tea ceremony in the afternoon, a champagne ceremony in the evening, and live music constantly in the main lobby area. The location is in East Rome. We like walking, and this hotel is close enough to all major landmarks that we've only needed to take a cab one time - everything is walkable if needed. This is an amazing hotel!

  • Marsha Newman

    Marsha Newman


    This hotel is one of my all time favorites, for opulence, fantastic service, multilingual staff, benefits, SPG points, the butler! I could go on and on. And a wonderful area too. Concierge goes out of their way for you too, even ahead of your visit.

  • Denby Liu

    Denby Liu


    We had a great stay at the St. Regis, when we came to Rome in February of 2017. It was in the midst of being renovated in one wing, but the noise from construction only started after we were already up and out of the hotel. Didn't really notice it at all when we were in the room. The decor of the room was somewhat opulently dated, but still very comfortable! The amenities had everything you'd expect in a 5* hotel. Lots of nice little tidbits showed up each day, which were much appreciated. There was also an old style lift where you have to manually open/close the metal doors to operate it. Hopefully, they won't remove this feature during the renovation work as it's really cute. As others have commented the lobby renovation is absolutely spectacular. One downside was that due to the renovation work the restaurant dining room was closed, but they did setup a temporary space with some tables for dining service. The food was very good. Overall, a great place to come back to after doing tourist things and the staff were very pleasant too. I'm sure it'll be even more sumptuous once the renovations are complete.

  • en

    Charlotte Jordan


    From the moment you walk in the St. Regis you are on the red carpet and treated that way! We were lucky to have Giovanni as our butler who made sure my husbands & my clothes for the day were ironed (no charge) and opened our champagne in our room at arrival. The room had a beautiful view, the brunch was delicious with many selections and tea time was a fine experience too! Our last evening was on a Sunday and we had dinner while a lovely man played every song we requested on the violin. He was a very talented voice and also plays the flute!

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