Vecio Fritolin a Rialto

ItaliaVecio Fritolin



🕗 orari di apertura

2262, Calle Regina, 30135, Rialto, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 041 522 2881
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4397855, Longitude: 12.3311955

commenti 5

  • en

    Jan street


    Great restaurant great food exelent service

  • en

    Guanyu ZHOU


    the food and service is nothing special. but the potion is really small! like feeding a rabbit. It is the most expensive meal we had during our trip in Italy! 95 euro for 3 person and still feel hungry. plus they charge 4 euro per person cover charge which is rediculous and none of the other restaurants in our Italy trip did. but the enviorment is nice. General speaking, it's not worth to go there

  • en

    Gary Bennett


    Outstanding service. Owned by an elderly Venitian who is extremely particular about freshly prepared food. Yes it is somewhat pricey, but the presentation is very nice and our meal was exquisite.

  • Valter Conceição

    Valter Conceição


    Had a superb meal, it's contemporary food restaurant. The prices are a bit above average but in line with this kind of cuisine. Yes this is the kind of place that does cuisine. The staff was very kind and took really good care of us.

  • en

    David Barrett


    We had an excellent meal. Each course was presented well and full of interesting flavours. The service was also excellent and attentive. When my wife asked about how one of dishes was made the waitress got the Chef to come and he describe to her each prepraration stage. A must visit of Venice

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