Aman Venice a Sestiere San Polo, Venezia

ItaliaAman Venice



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Domenicaaperto 24 ore
Calle Tiepolo Baiamonte, 1364, Palazzo Papadopoli, 30125 Sestiere San Polo, Venezia VE, Italy
contatti telefono: +39 041 270 7333
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.436847, Longitude: 12.331991

commenti 5

  • Grant Lacey

    Grant Lacey


    This is the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at. From the location to the staff to the food (favorite breakfast in the world), everything was excellent. I can't recommend this place enough - I can't wait to go back someday. It has been over six months since my wife and I stayed there and not a week goes by that I don't think about our experience.

  • Dan Bocik

    Dan Bocik


    Stunning! This is a Prime example of a Hotel focused on Hospitality!

  • en

    Fabio Russo


    Great setting.Really happy i decided to come here with my fiancee for dinner. Service has been seamless and welcoming. Very nice food with approachable price range. I suggest the Fillet!, really tender and tasty. You can come here also for drinks only. There is a nice bar area and there isnt too much traffic so you can really enjoy the ambience.

  • Dr. Abdullah A. Aldousari

    Dr. Abdullah A. Aldousari


    Listen, there is a reason why George Clooney got married here. It is historic and just went through major renovation. I just had a breakfast there and didn't want to leave.

  • en

    Michel Khoury


    Fairly new hotel - good location, not great though but it's extremely beautiful on the inside. They have a beautiful garden to have lunch, dinner or drinks in. Check the lounge upstairs and make sure you look at the details in the work on the walls and ceilings.

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