Associazione Internazionale Galleria Il Collezionista a Roma

ItaliaAssociazione Internazionale Galleria Il Collezionista


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🕗 orari di apertura

132, Via Rasella, 00187, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 4201 1393
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.9024402, Longitude: 12.4867932

commenti 1

  • MayaSunn Artiste

    MayaSunn Artiste


    UPDATE!! Received a message today from the same Director who affirms that it's not a scam and that I was just jealous because he offered this same opportunity to ALL my contacts on facebook and other artists. He also accepted and reimbourse me the total amount of my 100 euros on the spot. So everything end well. Thanks you for the reimbursement. For me, this "adventure" is now closed! ************************** I've received an offer (by private message on my facebook profil) offering me to participated in a exhibition in the Vatican in Rome. After paying the fees for the inscription of 100 euros, I was "selected" for the exhibition. I've posted the good news on my facebook. The next morning, all my facebook contacts had received the same "offer" for the same "exhibtion". Which is not usual and cetainly not professionnal (for having done others internationals exhibitions, this is not the usual way to go especially at the last minute 2-3 weeks before the expo on the other side of the world! You don't even know if the artworks will be there in time!). So I stop the "adventure" there and ask for reimbursement. Another contact of mine, said that he did the same thing on her page in Berlin, writing and inviting to all her contacts !

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