Avis a Bolzano




🕗 orari di apertura

1, Via Luigi Galvani, 39100, Bolzano, Provincia di Bolzano - Alto Adige, IT WÅ‚ochy
contatti telefono: +39 0471 212560
sito web: www.avisautonoleggio.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.4779263, Longitude: 11.3341576

commenti 5

  • de



    Fate attenzione ad eventuali danni prima di prendere la macchina. Empfehlenswert, das Fahrzeug zuerst auf eventuelle Schäden zu kontrollieren, bevor man es akzeptiert. Be aware of eventually damages at the car before taking it.

  • it

    Matteo Da Col


    Personale cordiale e professionale, per il resto meglio lasciar perdere!

  • en

    Sergio Devaux


    Terrify service. They rent in winter a car without winter wheels. The snow chains in the car where not the appropiate size for the wheels. There were not available chains in the near shops. So ....we rent a car and pay to have a car parked at the side of the road. There was no solution from avis bolzsno office.




    Ho noleggiato spesso qui e mi sono sempre trovato bene. Acquistando dal sito per tempo si trovano ottime offerte. È sempre fondamentale verificare la scheda dei danni riportati sul veicolo potrebbero sempre nascere dei problemi, ma questo non sempre dipende dall'agenzia.

  • en

    Abi Latham


    The worst holiday and business rental experience ever - RUDE, IGNORANT, INCOMPETANT. Arrived from other side of the world, presented pre paid voucher for car and got refused our car as my credit card did not match my husbands driver license. We travel with debit cards and she would not accept our debit card. I keep my visa for emergencies, but am not the driver. Go figure, got asked could I not go home to get it - duoh - no - home is clearly on the other side of the world. Asked if I could ring someone to get my liscence (even though I am not driving) - well they are all asleep. Lucky we have a house sitter who I managed to ring, at considerable roaming cost, and who is savvy enough to photography my liscence at in the early hours of the morning. This was the 4th car rental of our holiday and no one else found this a surmountable problem. Waste of 2hrs, and ruin our day here. Not only is it rude and ignorant - it is unacceptable to treat other human beings like this - potentially leaving them stranded.

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