Baglio Oneto a Zichichi

ItaliaBaglio Oneto



🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
8, Contrada Baronazzo Amafi, 91025, Zichichi, Provincia di Trapani, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 0923 746222
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 37.8514188, Longitude: 12.5267285

commenti 5

  • Anton Tausal

    Anton Tausal


    nice hotel with great restaurant. the staff was friendly and helpful. Unfortunately, the mattresses were very uncomfortable and should be replaced. otherwise we enjoyed the stay very much.

  • en

    Michelle Ballantyne


    We stayed for four nights in this beautiful place. Set amongst the vineyards. Peaceful relaxing place. Ideal for recharging your batteries. Hotel accommodation excellent. Staff very friendly and professional. Nothing is too much trouble for them. And the restaurant is second to none. Would rate the food as amongst the best we have had in London. Loved it so much we are sending our daughter and fiancé here for a treat before their wedding. Excellent. Can't wait to return.

  • Paulina DvilinskaitÄ—

    Paulina DvilinskaitÄ—


    Old but not bad. It brings you back in time. And that is amayzing. Beautiful view around. Good and clean room. Breakfast were delicious and personal was very friendly and professional.

  • Daniele Maltese

    Daniele Maltese


    Awesome place and very good restaurant and hotel services

  • Davide Baroncelli

    Davide Baroncelli


    We spent a night at the Baglio Oneto during a trip around the west part of Sicily: we weren't disappointed. We had booked a discounted room but got upgraded to a superior room because of oversubscription of the basic rooms: the room was big and comfortable, with a nice view overlooking the back garden and the valley descending to the sea. The members of the staff were all extremely professional, and in many cases very nice. Dinner at the restaurant was also an epic experience, where we were served great wines, and a (not cheap) three course dinner with huge portions of extremely tasty traditional Sicilian dishes (the Busiate alla Salsiccia and the Cassata were particularly good).

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