Caffe' Coloniale a Verona

ItaliaCaffe' Coloniale



🕗 orari di apertura

14/C, Piazza Viviani Francesco, 37121, Verona, Provincia di Verona, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 045 801 2647
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4419281, Longitude: 10.9994471

commenti 5

  • Stef Kostov

    Stef Kostov


    The portions are small yes and our pizza was kind of not good. I've lived in Italy for 3 years and I notice when the pizza is not traditionally made. It was dry and small. Also the decoretions on the inside are kind of not what I was expecting for an italian caffe. Woodart with african motives and semi-nude african women paintings. Then I read that they were all made by a migrant. Be careful if it's not your thing it can ruin the mood of the city.

  • en

    Vladimir Nikolov


    In short, we waited 15 min for the waiter to bring us the menus, then another 20 min to give the order and another 45 min to bring our salads. Food was just eatable, no taste, small, overpriced, cooked chicken instead of grilled.... All in all it seems like they made this restaurant for tourists who will never come back. In addition several people left the tables since they could not wait for the food anymore. Definitely avoid this place.

  • Irena Nastevska

    Irena Nastevska


    We ordered salads and it took them 1 hour to prepare them. Extremely slow. Terrible service

  • Tim Oliver

    Tim Oliver


    A perfect cafe. Relaxed, welcoming, friendly staff, good food, coffee and other drinks. Superb.

  • en

    Damiana Lerose


    One of the historic coffee rendez-vous for locals and tourists, this place evolved in time offering also some lunch food on the outside patio. They have an impressive selection of teas in their menu, as well as coffee origins and combinations. Everything is very good, and some friends of mine consider these the best pastries in town. I am not particularly fond of their whipped cream though.

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