California Bakery a Milano

ItaliaCalifornia Bakery



🕗 orari di apertura

89, Corso Garibaldi, 20121, Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 02 3981 1750
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4767309, Longitude: 9.1840259

commenti 5

  • en

    Aimie Keech


    Little bit pricey, but definitely full after your meal! Nice decor and places to sit outside, cake display looked amazing!

  • en



    love this place! Great selection of cakes, brownies, muffins, bagels and more. The environment is really nice and chill, so is the staff. It is a bit pricey, especially if you're american and used to having this kind of food for much cheaper prices, but you're not gonna find cheaper american bakeries that are this good anywhere in italy

  • Rick Varne

    Rick Varne


    The cakes were made of gold....that's why they set anti-burglar alarm with 185-200 dB (can rupture an eardrum) which is ringing often at midnight. They even became lazy lately, they hired Spawn to lock the chairs and tables outside with chains every night!!! "California BaRkery - NO DAY WITHOUT NOISE"...its their motto. #pardonmypun

  • Soroudeh S

    Soroudeh S


    Perfect location. Lovely staff. All the staff speak English. The cheesecakes are amazing. Most of the time it's very crowded. Not a good place to relax and read a book since the chairs are very uncomfortable!

  • Simone Ferraro

    Simone Ferraro


    Nice food.. (loved the cheesecake, the apple pie was ok) A bit overpriced, but still reasonable for the location. The service was a bit slower than similar cafés nearby, even though it wasn't rush hour. Unlimited water is offered for free.

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