Camping Moosbauer a Bolzano

ItaliaCamping Moosbauer


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🕗 orari di apertura

83, Via San Maurizio, 39100, Bolzano, Provincia di Bolzano - Alto Adige, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 0471 918492
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Latitude: 46.5028691, Longitude: 11.2997237

commenti 5

  • K S K Sharma

    K S K Sharma


    Way too expensive. Even to pitch a tent for two person, we end up paying 32€

  • en

    Chad Stimpson


    This place is terrible for cylists or anyone with a tent. You can do better. The luke-warm staff were of limited help and the only tent site area has little-to-no grass. An expensive place to be sleeping on gravel.

  • en

    Eloise Joiner


    This is not an appropriate campground for tents. It is very very expensive for a tent and the only tent space available is completely gravel, and very small. When we were there, there were many tents packed in. Staff were quite unfriendly. Otherwise the bathrooms and pool facility are good, but this is very much a campground set up for campervans.

  • Kristen Tonsager

    Kristen Tonsager


    Beautiful facilities (the bathrooms are called "the learning loo" and have a lot of neat information in each toilet and shower stall. They even provide TP, soap and hair dryers!) Very clean, very friendly staff and situated in a winery of sorts. Not a lot of tent camp pitches, but still accommodating. Very popular with the RV crowd. We heard the restaurant was incredible, but we weren't able to eat there. Eurospar grocery very close. Not super close to the city center, but easily reachable by bicycle.

  • Aggie Cangardel

    Aggie Cangardel


    Best bathrooms I have ever seen at a campsite. They had a family bathroom with a little baby bath built in at hip height with a shower head! Amazing. Really clean too.

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