Cimitero Monumentale Verano a Roma

ItaliaCimitero Monumentale Verano



🕗 orari di apertura

1, Piazzale del Verano, 00185, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 4923 6331
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.9014685, Longitude: 12.5203372

commenti 5

  • en

    Patrick O' Hart


    A very peaceful and we'll kept cemetery with some some beautiful tombs. Great place to bring you back down to earth, pray for the souls who have gone before us, meditate on reality and eternal life.

  • en

    Francis Przygoda


    The section of the cemetery reserved for the families of the Popes was quite an exciting place. All types of art work can be seen. Very much similar to art work as can be seen in the Vatican. But without the limiting lines of tourists. You can look, admire and touch. The section for gli caduti or fallen ones of War was unexpected. Worth a look.

  • en

    tree young


    I went to the Verano for a funeral and many of my ancestors are buried there. It dawned on me the last time I was there, that it would probably be of interest to people as there are beautiful family monuments with sculptures, beautiful trees, and is a very serene place. Also a very large place. Its very quiet and peaceful and a good place to get out of the hustle and bustle of Rome. Once inside you completely disconnect with the huge city surrounding you.

  • Anthony I

    Anthony I


    The statuary is amazing. Unfortunately everything could use a cleaning and repair.

  • Franco Goja

    Franco Goja


    This cemetery is very peaceful and quiet; I didn't find there the crowd and the smog I've found in other cemeteries. At the same time it's not dull. I recommend it for your eternal life.

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