COCAETA - Not the usual Crêpes a Venezia

ItaliaCOCAETA - Not the usual Crêpes



🕗 orari di apertura

Fondamenta San Giobbe, 30121, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.444902, Longitude: 12.322013

commenti 5

  • NL 90

    NL 90


    Amazing. The best service from 2 knowledgeable and genuinely lovely people. and the crepes are incredible. Cannot wait to come back! Thank you!

  • Kevin Su

    Kevin Su


    Nice smile, Great Crepes! I am not a Crepes person, but I DO like the crepe they made. Great quality and good taste.

  • en

    Dustin Spinella


    So good, I went twice during a two night stay. This place happened to be opposite our hotel (but effectively a few minutes walk away, due to the need to find a bridge to cross), but I'd heard it was worth a special visit anyway. Night one, I had a 'super crêpe', which was an amazing chocolate and hazelnut experience. Night two, I went for a savoury choice - gorgonzola and pear. Both were lovingly created by the owner with just the right amount of creamy filling. The first time I visited, I waited behind a couple of people and so had some time to choose. The second time I visisted, there was no-one ahead of me in the queue. Highly recommended.

  • Tiffany Lee

    Tiffany Lee


    Literally Guilio is the best! He is so kind and friendly. Makes the best crepes in the city and they taste delicious. Had to come here twice to try as many crepes as possible. Highly recommend this little place. No sitting area but that’s okay. Pure happiness in a crepe.

  • en

    Sara Aurora J


    Nice little place, no seating. Artisan crepes, good selection of both savory and sweet fillings. Salmon crepes a tad pricey for the size tough. Nice selection of Italian craft beer. Cash only! Nearest ATM approx. 10 minute walk away. If you're in a hurry this is not the place for you, as they take their crepes seriously and make them with care; takes a while to prepare.

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