Dalmati House a Roma

ItaliaDalmati House



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Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
9, Via dei Dalmati, 00185, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 446 4147
sito web: www.dalmatihouse.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.899557, Longitude: 12.515606

commenti 5

  • tr

    Serdar Anıl İrdem


    Konum olarak biraz uzak ama odalar temiz ve gayet güzel.

  • en

    Simone Trentini



  • en

    Ansfwcjgca DaviGfjd



  • Alessio Ruggeri

    Alessio Ruggeri


    Pulito ed accogliente, a due passi dalle stazioni Termini e Tiburtina, dal policlinico Umberto I e dall'Università la Sapienza. Voto 10 specialmente per il front desk

  • Emma Carr-Gardner

    Emma Carr-Gardner


    Spent +10 days here and was delighted with the location of this lodging. While it is away from center city, it is only a short walk from Termini Train Station (or about £5.50 by taxi) and is easily accessible by buses 492 and 71. There is also plenty to see and do right near the lodging. We spent 8 or our 10 dinners eating within walking distance (10 minutes max). The lodging itself is very cozy. The room is a beautiful white & wood combo that creates the feeling of openness. Closing the shutters shuts you off from the world if you need a nap mid-day. As a person with asthma I was a bit bothered by the air conditioner in my room as it pointed directly at the top of our wardrobe which was covered in dust. However with a chair you can change the airflow direction. Furthermore there was a horrible smell coming from the bathroom drain and the lighting was a bit off in our room, and even after asking our 3 missing light bulbs were never replaced. Thankfully the man who owns the building is wonderfully helpful yet very busy! He speaks English and can help with questions and concerns however his staff understands no English so important concerns must wait until he returns to the main office. Overall I greatly enjoyed my visit and will certainly be looking to stay here again!

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