Euro Hotel a Cascina

ItaliaEuro Hotel



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6, Viale Europa, 56021, Cascina, Provincia di Pisa, IT Italien
contatti telefono: +39 050 710494
sito web:
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Latitude: 43.6662097, Longitude: 10.539393

commenti 5

  • it

    Angela Santoro


    Situato in una zona molto ampia e vicino a centri commerciali (si arriva a piedi). Si trova parcheggio facilmente. Camere discrete in rapporto al prezzo.

  • Marco Romagnoli

    Marco Romagnoli


    Ottimo per il prezzo. Vicinissimo all'uscita della superstrada. Non il top in quanto al confort, ma per il prezzo, è buono. Personale cortese e disponibile

  • iw

    Haim Shemer


    מלון נחמד פונקציונלי מחוץ לעיר דיי חשוך בחדר חלק מארוחת בוקר בכלים חד פעמי.נקי מסודר.

  • en

    Lachlan Robins


    Overall our stay at the euro hotel was ok but there were many problems that a supposed " 4 star" (expensive) hotel shouldn't have. Firstly, on one of the mornings when we went down for breakfast there was no coffee available. I know this isn't the biggest problem but we are paying for the breakfast and they should include everything. When we told the staff they said that there were vending machines that we could get coffee from but that was beside the point because we don't want to pay extra on top of what we have already paid. We tried to order breakfast by leaving the order on the door the night before (like they told us to do) but the next morning there was no breakfast delivered and so we left early for a flight without any food. The breakfast was also very average and did not look appetizing. It was clearly stated that we couldn't even take water from the breakfast area outside and had to pay 2 or 3 Euros just for water! The restaurant was only open in the morning as well. The whole building was not nice to look at. It looked ugly on the outside and definitely not luxurious on the inside. It didn't have a nice feeling when we you went inside. Within the room there was a fridge that didn't work and no kettle to boil a simple cup of tea. I agree with one of the other reviewers that the bathroom shower is WAY too high. It is quite dangerous to get in and out of. The TV had one English speaking channel and no subtitles for English speakers available. The general feel of the hotel wasn't particularly welcoming and staff kept to themselves. An occasional smile would have been nice. Another thing that was annoying was that one day we had to stay in the hotel room slightly later than usual because we were waiting for family to pick us up and we were phoned by the cleaner to leave the room. There wasn't really much else to go apart from the reception which wasn't very comfortable and was by a door. Just to reiterate we wouldn't have been bothered if the hotel was a cheap 2 or 3 star establishment but we were paying a lot for very little. The rooms were small and nothing special and the service didn't make us feel welcome.

  • it

    Luca Barbieri


    L'hotel é situato vicino all'uscita della Fi-Pi-Li di Cascina, in una zona di attività produttive, ed é facilmente raggiungibile. Ho visitato solo una sala show room al piano terra, abbastanza ben tenuta, come pure i bagni del piano terra. La hall é di dimensioni non eccessive. Il personale non posso giudicarlo perché non ho avuto modo di interagire. Nel complesso una impressione discreta, ma non mi ha colpito niente in particolare.

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