Fusina Camping & Dock a Venezia

ItaliaFusina Camping & Dock


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🕗 orari di apertura

93, Via Moranzani, 30176, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 041 547 0055
sito web: www.campingfusina.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.420058, Longitude: 12.257644

commenti 5

  • en

    Martin Ratkovsky


    I like this camp. We syayd here during Vogalonga with my family. Very good experience.

  • Mohd Syakib Ahzam

    Mohd Syakib Ahzam


    Cabin site to Venice. Perfect for a night stay before heading to Venice. Good budget stay

  • Moritz Kröger

    Moritz Kröger


    We stayed here for two days over the weekend. The staff is very friendly and helpful, the connection to Venice is easy and well organized. The camping area was at night somewhat an exhausting experience. We had a bungalow for our own but the place was crowded with young party folks and thus very loud at night. Drunk, screaming teenagers at night was our experience. Take my review with a grain of salt, as we only stayed here over the weekend.

  • en

    Iris Behrendt


    Very clean campsite in a beautiful nature. Directly located at the water. The boat taxi to the city venice is great. I love it here

  • David Powell

    David Powell


    The campground is a nice clean facility. The bungalows and maxicaravans are a nice alternative to camping for a fair price. Occasionally there is live music which can be a little loud if you want to sleep early. It is very easy to get to Venice by bus/train or boat. A small grocery store and a restaurant are found on the campground, though if you have a car you might want to pick food up from a larger supermarket about 15 min. away for a better price and selection. I highly recommend it as an affordable place to stay while visiting Venice and the surrounding islands.

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