Grand Hotel Hermitage a Roma

ItaliaGrand Hotel Hermitage


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Via Eugenio Vajna, 12-18, 00197 Roma RM, Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 807 0454
sito web:
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Latitude: 41.929682, Longitude: 12.4887146

commenti 5

  • Maxim Gulin

    Maxim Gulin


    Not bad hotel, but it should be 3 stars , not 4

  • Janina Karr

    Janina Karr


    Certainly not a four star hotel as advertised. Foyer impressive. Staff friendly and helpful. Breakfast adequate. Rooms very small but who spends much time in their room on holidays? Clean and I certainly did not see any cockroaches or ants as commented by another reviewer. Quiet location and some distance from City Centre but public transport very close and bus 360 Muse last stop on this line leaves every 10 minutes. Wifii reception very poor. Drops in and out frequently. Be prepared to pay an extra €6 per night extra (tax)on top of quoted price for room.

  • Daniel Heeris

    Daniel Heeris


    The hotel is listed as 4 star according to Italian local hotel clarification, but it most certainly is not compared to general European clarification. Think of it as a substandard 2-3 star hotel and you will see things fit much better with your expectation. Building is old and not well kept, and they do have cockroaches and ants. Not a lot of attention to detail but staff is friendly, helpful and easy to talk to. Breakfast is very minimal, do not expect anything big. Location is a little outside the center, about 1 hour walk to the Coliseum, however right outside the door is buss 360, which goes every 10 minutes. The stop is called Muse and is the last stop. The buss goes to the central station from where you have other busses and the metro. All in all this is a substandard hotel, if you get a really good price it is worth it, you probably won't spend too much time here anyway, but I would recommend trying to find another hotel. NB: The new Italian tourist tax law means this hotel requires an aditional tax payment of €6 (as of May, 2017) per person per night. The hotel passes that tax on to you at checkout.

  • en

    Gloria Ciao


    Great location. Very good services and excellent management

  • Vincent Migneron-Foisy

    Vincent Migneron-Foisy


    Good price. Everything was fine. The location is not good tho. There is not much around.

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