Hertz a Pisa




🕗 orari di apertura

168, Via Cisanello, 56124, Pisa, Provincia di Pisa, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 050 950210
sito web: www.hertz.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7071835, Longitude: 10.4318807

commenti 5

  • it

    carlo calamai


    Personale gentile

  • Cherubino



    Very difficult to find, and as a New Yorker I thought I was a slick smart cookie. A kind local man overheard me asking about "Hertz" and told me in English where it actually was. It's on GROUND level, in the back, what looks like a nondescript little garage.

  • Marco Ciampi

    Marco Ciampi


    Miglior prezzo garantito - se trovi una tariffa Hertz più bassa, ti rimborsiamo la differenza  Nessuna penale in caso di modifica o cancellazione Cancellando la prenotazione entro 7 giorni  Nessun costo aggiuntivo nascosto - copertura danno e furto inclusa  Nessuna commissione sulla carta di credito Professionali e cortesi

  • Steph M

    Steph M


    We returned the car here, we had picked up in Florence. We were on time and the tank was full, we had put in 13 euro just before we exited the highway and only drove maybe 5 minutes but when we got there they told my husband and I "This is clearly not full" it was on full and I said I have no idea what you're talking about.. The man said ehhhh just a little you see, it's a little less than full... He then explained where the gas station was and that we could pay the fee of however many Euro or go"fill it up" My husband went and the man "filled" it up for 5 Euro, wouldn't let my husband do it and took the entire 5 Euro..... A complete scam between the local gas station and the Hertz. I advise saving your receipt and showing the man, because if your not a local they will scam you. They got 2 stars because it was not as hard as I expected to find it and they called us a taxi...

  • Zack Kolev

    Zack Kolev


    Hard to find. Needs more/better signage. Hertz is on the back side of the building. Staff seemed tired but the car we were given was good. A bit bigger that we reserved but that was nice.

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