Hotel Casena dei Colli a Palermo

ItaliaHotel Casena dei Colli


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20/22, Via Villa Rosato, 90146, Palermo, Provincia di Palermo, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 091 688 9771
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Latitude: 38.1602577, Longitude: 13.3313146

commenti 5

  • en

    david rafael


    The hotel is really good, good service our room is modern nice and very clean but the location is not the best, the streets are full of junk and beach is really far.

  • Kristefer Young

    Kristefer Young


    The area is nice. The hotel is beautiful and clean.

  • Angela Burt

    Angela Burt


    Unlikely Gem. Looks unpromising but once inside it's beautiful. Big private carpark, beautiful gardens set around a baronial hall. Excellent restaurant and superb breakfast. Rooms vary from luxury to modern and functional but all with garden views. Nice bar/lounge and smiles from the reception girls. Extremely good value for the price. Would stay here again.

  • Lexi Berindean

    Lexi Berindean


    Beautiful location for a true Sicilian experience. The breakfast is amazing, especially if you are looking to taste real Italian (or french), homemade pastry. The rooms are comfy, but I wouldn't recommend leaving valuables in the room.

  • claudiamaria sauliuc

    claudiamaria sauliuc


    DO NOT STAY AT THIS HOTEL UNLESS..... You want a hotel WITHOUT WIFI. You want to walk 20 minutes to the nearest bus on a main road with no pavement. The hotel is 5km from anywhere!!! You want to call reception to let you out of your room because the locks are faulty. You want to stay somewhere grubby and run down. It does not look like the photos. You want a safe that does not work. From other reviews this sounds a necessity. We carried our money and passports on us at all times because of this. You don't want to sleep. The hotel is in-between a wedding venue and an outside music venue with high rise flats on the other two sides. You want to be treated like an idiot for raising any of these problems with the management. The general attitude and apathy of the staff was terrible but i suspect the continual repeated complaints from guests with the same issues is the cause of this. I am well travelled and stay in a range of accommodation. My expectations are not over the top and i am not inclined to write reviews but my experience was SO poor i am compelled to do so in the hope of preventing others from having such terrible time. Indeed if they were able to rectify some of the problems and didn't just lie to my face i would not be writing this review. Palermo is a beautiful city and there is plenty of accommodation actually in the city which i would encourage you to book rather than this shambles of a hotel.

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