Hotel Parco dei Principi a Puglia

ItaliaHotel Parco dei Principi


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🕗 orari di apertura

6, Viale Europa, 70128, Città Metropolitana di Bari, Puglia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 080 539 4811
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.1331525, Longitude: 16.7775845

commenti 5

  • en

    david Pellè


    Ottima qualità

  • Akemi T

    Akemi T


    The best hotel breakfast All-you-can-eat fresh mozzarella cheese 😋

  • David Thomas

    David Thomas


    I enjoyed my stay at this hotel. The beds were firm, but I found them to be very comfortable. Room decor was modern and clean. Very good bathroom with plenty of space. Good water pressure. There are some mixed reviews online of the breakfast, but I find it to be more than adequate and was refilled often. There are not hot options (no bacon, eggs etc) but there is a good selection of pastries, cake, bread, etc, as well as cold deli meats and cheeses. I fully enjoyed breakfast. Wi-Fi was also strong and fast all over the property. Great for getting some work done. I visited the pool in the morning and it was also good. It was very relaxing. The swimming cap was unusual, but didn't change the experience. I would very happily stay again in the future.

  • en

    Balasakthivel K


    Good luxury hotel... Bt some details were missing.. (eg. Some of the Lift was not working some time, the door for spa and swimming pool was not working properly)

  • Clifton Castelino

    Clifton Castelino


    Great hotel within close vicinity of the airport. Free parking and breakfast. They provide free shuttle to the airport too if required. The rooms are quite big and have all the required amenities.

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