Hotel San Giuliano a Mestre, Venezia

ItaliaHotel San Giuliano


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🕗 orari di apertura

193/A, Via Forte Marghera, 30173, Mestre, Venezia, Città Metropolitana di Venezia, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 041 531 7044
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Latitude: 45.4841551, Longitude: 12.2541319

commenti 5

  • László Dávid Vári

    László Dávid Vári


    Very good place to stay, hotel is clean and modern, the tram is only a few minutes on foor. Only thing I do not get is the morning they told us not to choose our own food just sit and the brought us 1 bun, 1 butter and 1 jam. Like what? Maybe I wanted cereals or sg else...the other day it was fine, but I still don't get it...

  • en

    Gayathri Venkatram


    Nice rooms, clean and good breakfast

  • en

    fran Oteo


    Really nice hotel. 15' away from Venice by tram. Rebuilt 1 year ago. Clean. Breakfast didn't have a big variety but enough to begin your visit with energy. All the workers speak english. 100% recommended.

  • limewoolcrazy58 *Lala*

    limewoolcrazy58 *Lala*


    The hotel lobby was nice, however the room we received was tiny, barely enough to fit two people. We had to shuffle around furniture to allow enough space for our luggage. The shower was tiny and the corridor on Level 2 had a weird smell. The wifi was slow and unstable. The view was nice though. The elevators were kind of slow, resulting in having to walk up the stairs which were difficult to locate. The service was satisfactory, however the service and food could have been better. Overall, the hotel is not bad, but if you are looking for something luxurious, maybe think of another hotel.

  • Dawid J.

    Dawid J.


    2 stars only. First for location - close to tram stop that takes you to Venice. Second for staff that is very helpful and nice. Lobby of the hotel is new and renovated but a room that we stayed was old and crappy. Definitely not worth the price we paid. More investment in facilities are needed. Breakfast was ok. Standard continental Italian breakfast. Sweets + coffee from machine.

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