Island of Ortigia a Sicily

ItaliaIsland of Ortigia


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Island of Ortigia, Italy
contatti telefono: +39
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 37.0608978, Longitude: 15.2940941

commenti 5

  • en

    James Wood


    We have really enjoyed a relaxing stay in Ortigia where there are historical sites to see including a very impressive Duomo. Lots of good places to shop, eat and drink. The highlight for us was going to the Sunset Bar on Lungomare Altea on an evening to watch the spectacular sunsets ~ especially as our visit was in February!

  • Raffaello Leti Messina

    Raffaello Leti Messina


    One of the most beautiful, characteristic an rich historical sites in the world (said by one who was born in Rome)

  • Andy Tanti

    Andy Tanti


    Great place for easy stroll, amazing Piazza and a number of great wine bars and restaurants along the narrow streets

  • vipservice100



    Best place in Sicily, ever. Lungomare Alfeo, mercato, Duomo, Caravaggio. Superb food. I looove this place:)

  • en

    David Bernacchia


    One of the most beautiful places in the world. A pearl within the pearl that is Sicily. A land rich of history, tradition and culture. Beautiful sunsets and walks around the places that were walked by pitagora. History comes alive when you walk there. When you walk in front of he duomo your heart will stop and you hair skin will raise in front of the magnificence of it. Many places where to have something to eat, from the highest restaurants to the family run businesses. The island will make you fall in love with every step you take. Last but not least the historical ruins from the Greek empire will make you take a trip back in time.

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