kitchen Alimentari italian food a Roma

Italiakitchen Alimentari italian food



🕗 orari di apertura

8, Via delle Colonnelle, 00186, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 7045 3927
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.9000193, Longitude: 12.4771655

commenti 5

  • Mazen Eldesouky

    Mazen Eldesouky


    Amazing pasta, delicious tiramisu, and a cosy restaurant. My favourite in Rome so far!

  • Hatem Faheem

    Hatem Faheem


    Fantastic Pasta. We tried the truffles with mushrooms and the Pepe one (cheese with black peppers). We also bought some truffles from there. They are so friendly, prices are OK. The place is a bit small but very nice.

  • en

    Carl Schultz


    Fantastic. Very cozy spot with only a few tables but very friendly and very tasty food. FYI It is a “blink and you’ll miss it” door right around some of the tourist spots. The dinning area is to the back of a general store.

  • Sébastien Denis

    Sébastien Denis


    Small authentic shop of high end Italian product that also double as a restaurant. Only 5-6 tables so a cosy atmosphere. The product are fresh and goods, the service very friendly by the family owning the place. A little gem hidden in this neighbourhood.

  • en

    Daniel Herrera


    Went for what I saw in other reviews here, and it completely fulfilled the expectations. Authentic Italian food, had a great lasagna, a nice glass of wine, and an amazing pistachio tiramisu. The waitress was very nice. Also with a good price, and a quite different setting, will definitively recommend to anyone coming to Rome. By the way, beware the incoherent numbering of the houses in those streets, the Google maps location is correct.

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