Kohinoor a Roma




🕗 orari di apertura

32, Via Aurelia, 00165, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 3937 0025
sito web: www.kohinoor-ristorante.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.8998796, Longitude: 12.4528538

commenti 5

  • John-From Binley-Woods

    John-From Binley-Woods


    Ordered over the phone, price inc delivery 37 euros. 5 minutes later, called me back to say the price should have been 47 euros. Agreed reluctantly but feel raped because their website does not show pricing. Food & delivery was ok but still feel soiled inside.

  • Ramthu Nisha

    Ramthu Nisha


    We went on a evening for dinner and they took 30 mins to serve our food and it went up to one hour to to get the final order of the menu ( which we took away with us as it’s been an hour already). Late delivery of food... their website shows one price and they charge another price... extra service charge on u r bill... they don’t even serve all items in meal menu.. don’t try this Indian restaurant

  • en

    Palwinder Nagra


    Warning! Ordered a meal for 12 euros, ate only that. They forcefully put a basket of snacks that I didn't even touch! Then I asked for a bill, they added extra 4 euro for the basket that I didn't even order or touched. I then wanted to pay by card - which they refused even though they have a card machine. They wanted cash only and refused to give a receipt. The food was also cold and tasted old, I came in the evening. Very rude owners. Avoid shameful Indian restaurant

  • en

    Steve Anderson


    A friend and I visited this restaurant tonight looking for Indian food after two months of wonderful Italian food. The host and waiter were very friendly. The waiter helped us choose two meals. They were absolutely delicious. Really good options. Great Experience. Highly recommend this restaurant.

  • Sharon Renee

    Sharon Renee


    My sister and I were in Rome on vacation and this restaurant was right across the street from our Airbnb. The food was delicious and the hostess seemed very tired but she became very vibrant when we told her the food was delicious. Because it was! We went there again and brought a new friend we met in Rome. She was so happy to see us again within two days. I would go there again for sure!

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