laFeltrinelli Books and Music a Roma

ItalialaFeltrinelli Books and Music



🕗 orari di apertura

5/A, Largo di Torre Argentina, 00186, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 199 151 173
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.8962541, Longitude: 12.4764796

commenti 5

  • en

    Kaitlyn L


    A large bookstore chain with several locations and a pretty good selection and variety of books. They even have a fairly decent English section. They lose a star for their rude staff.

  • Sara Fry

    Sara Fry


    I was really excited to go to this bookstore to look for a good traveling journal, and I was staying close by. The staff (specifically the older gentlemen working there) was rude when I asked for help finding something - like it was so irritating to have to answer a question. Then, when I after started walking into a different section, a woman standing there literally was standing in the walkway blocking the area, and told me that I needed to go checkout now because they close in 5 minutes. “The book I wanted to buy is right there...and my phone shows it’s 5 minutes until you guys close” I replied. “NO - IT’S TIME YOU GO TO PAY. WE ARE CLOSED.” Lesson learned. Buy from local stores instead, who are happy to help you and let you spend money there. This store is not that place.

  • Morgan Nickels

    Morgan Nickels


    Basically the Barnes and Noble of Italy! If you’re looking for guide books (the reason I went there), you’re at the right place! They have so many in English... it’s fantastic!

  • Mark Carter

    Mark Carter


    The best book shop in Rome, if only for the fact that it's about the only one. Good range of Italian books and dvds. English section isn't bad but you might be better off with their foreign bookshop near Termini station.

  • Mimi Le

    Mimi Le


    Great location and one of the biggest branches of this bookstore but terrible service. I had a difficult time finding customer service then I was directed to the wrong books (albeit correct author).

Negozio di libri più vicina

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