Lava Service Express Sabrina Baratta a Roma

ItaliaLava Service Express Sabrina Baratta



🕗 orari di apertura

13, Via Firenze, 00184, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 06 488 1795
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 41.901006, Longitude: 12.494877

commenti 5

  • joe brito

    joe brito


    We just used this laundry facility today it was recommended by our hotel, "Hotel Oceania", a Rick Steeve's recommended hotel. They said they used this laundry facility frequently for hotel laundry. I had done some research of local laundry establishments and had a pretty good idea that a full service laundry facility would charge €10-€12 for a small load (approximately 19 items) to wash, dry and fold all within 1-2 hour timeframe. THIS WAS NOT THE CASE!! I asked the little old couple that ran it how much it would cost. He told me very little as I didn't have very much to do. We decided to drop our items off at 1pm and returned at 4pm to claim them. The items were finished on time (the pants were slightly damp which is better then shrunk...but not bad) and they were folding them as we arrived. When folding and bundling was complete I was told it would be €35!! I was surprised at the price and explained that €10-12 was the competitive rate and that it was too high in price. She adjusted the price to €30 and that was it. I was not too happy at first, but realize they did it in short order (2-3 hours) and it was more of a dry clean/ laundry facility vs a laundromat. With that said, we paid about €1.60 per item. If you are looking for dry cleaning, this may be your place but negotiate the price up front, because it will most certainly exceed what you expect to pay if you don't. However, if you are looking to launder your clothes on a more reasonable budget, then look for some of the local self serve laundry facilities. It did seem that the happy little old couple knew what they were doing and have done this to tourists time and time again. Had I been quoted €35 I would have gone elsewhere. I have also informed the hotel about their misleading concierge, recommending this place. Overall, beware about being overcharged.

  • jordan m

    jordan m


    For 30 euros my shirts are received at my hotel wet but with an essence of a smell therefore they have not been washed properly. They have been shrunken to a small size all my shirts!!! And my cuff links have been stolen from all my shirts. Probably been thrown in the drier at 100 degrees to feed like they have been washed. I went back the next day to complain about everything. The old woman threatened my with the hot iron and her colleagues came at me with a knife. I went to the police but noting done. This is a really bad place

  • en

    Richard Muswell


    Whilst I can see that many people had some problems with the pricing/quality, I didn't have any problems. I needed a suit dry cleaned by the next day (it was 7.30pm) and she said it would be €20 which is not too unreasonable for a quick turn around dry clean in the centre of Rome. I also had a shirt pressed which was €4. Quality was good, it was ready when I arrived the next day and no surprises. As with anywhere, get a quote and you shouldn't have any huge surprises, I was happy and if I needed dry cleaning in Rome again, I would return.

  • Natalie Fontana

    Natalie Fontana


    bdavidbsr was right. Immediately after I read your review I went back asap to collect my clothes before they'd started cleaning them. They told me they had finished the job already and wanted me to pay a drycleaning bill of €70 for 4 jackets! I could see one of my jackets and it had not been touched. I said it was impossible that they could have finished the job and I asked them to show me if my jackets were clean or dirty.The 2 women got nasty and I think one made a remark, questioning my knowledge of drycleaning. They threatened to call the police. So I called the police. The police actually came and argued with these ladies for an hour. I finally received my jackets, unwashed, and was happy that I had not been taken advantage of.

  • en



    I would strongly suggest getting a written estimate in advance from this "sweet old lady." She told me it would be 8 Euros to do half a load of laundry. When I went back later, she completely forgot how to speak English, laughed at me when I put 8 Euros down, and didn't give me my laundry til I forked over 40 Euro! This sweet old lady knows exactly what she's doing! One of Rome's best!

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