Luxor Hotel a Casoria

ItaliaLuxor Hotel


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Via Luigi D'Anna, 80026, Casoria, Città Metropolitana di Napoli, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 081 736 6344
sito web:
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Latitude: 40.8937802, Longitude: 14.2937795

commenti 5

  • Daniele Martin

    Daniele Martin


    Ottima località, posto pulito e accogliente

  • Chris



    Clean, quiet and helpful staff. It's fairly close to the airport.

  • en

    Matthew Donatelli


    hotel luxor robbed me!! the "hotel shuttle" was said to cost me 25 eur even though it was only an 8 minute drive and I had paid 30 euros for a taxis from naples waterfront to the hotel - a 30 minute drive. The "hotel shuttle" then returned me counterfeit money. Stay away from this's bad news!!

  • Taylor K

    Taylor K


    Basically if I was going to pick up a lady of the night I would take her here. She would feel real special cause it looks good buy as long as she didn't look too closely at the mold in the shower, hair in the sink or the cum stains on the bed sheets I think she would have a real nice time. Pretty much felt like bad porno. But hey its near the airport. Also you might get mugged if you went outside the hotel or your car.

  • en

    Majid AlAbdullatif


    Overall, the hotel is acceptable for a group of friends with a budget. The place was clean, tidy, and accessible. I would have given the place 4-stars. However, the following issue we have encountered showed how unprofessional the staff were and the overall lack of management in this place: We chose the hotel due to its proximity to the airport. The day before our flight, we requested the reception desk to arrange two separate taxis at two separate times. Reception confirmed the taxis will be provided at the times requested. Much to our surprise, when we reminded them about the taxis 30 minutes before our departure time, the gentleman working at reception stated that a van will be provided at 25 euros for each person. We were neither informed nor notified about this change until we inquired about the taxis just before our trip. We did not want a van, we did not want a private cab, we wanted a taxi with a meter. This trap is clearly used by the hotel staff to rip-off the clients/customers. This establishment should be managed by someone who is actually competent and is capable of controling their staff members from setting up cons for the customers. A definite “never repeat” for all members of our group, which is a shame for an otherwise (4-star rating) hotel.

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