Mayday Club a Firenze

ItaliaMayday Club



🕗 orari di apertura

16, Via Dante Alighieri, 50122, Firenze, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 055 238 1290
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.7709616, Longitude: 11.2566148

commenti 5

  • David Leitch

    David Leitch


    Love this place. Excellent vibe and simply the best original cocktails. Get here!

  • en

    AK T


    Very good cocktails. Good atmosphere cash only place.

  • Yash Gaikwad

    Yash Gaikwad


    The drink was really interesting the ambient lights are a bit dull& the entrance to the club to . American out of the west kind of theme . I visited on a match day so the place was pretty much empty

  • Felipe M

    Felipe M


    Great cocktails with a good variety. Very kind attention and too much patience for our questions. Comfortable furniture and cozy ambient. We enjoyed our time here.

  • en

    Anna Ardigo


    Mayday is as an amazing experience! Not your conventional bar at all, every drink is a work of art and 100% unique! We would be regulars if we lived in Florence for sure and we'll certainly come back every time we're in town! The cocktails are so masterful and delicious I'd happily pay twice the price. We got there right when they opened and for the first 45 min chatted with the owner (the alchemist) about his studies in chemistry, biology, and perfumes that he incorporates when designing every drink. He brought us samples of his different flavors for any cocktails with flavors unknown to us and explained that he uses the freshest ingredients, nothing synthetic, and where everything comes from. He has such a passion for his art and is a master at it. Every drink is delicious and has a twist or surprise flavor you'd never expect but after a sip, you realize it makes perfect sense. The atmosphere is laid back and casual, really great for meeting new people and sharing the experience. The staff is friendly and helpful. Would recommend to anyone and everyone looking for an extremely unique night out experience.

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