Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno a Genova

ItaliaMonumental Cemetery of Staglieno



🕗 orari di apertura

Piazzale Resasco, 16100, Genova, Città Metropolitana di Genova, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 010 870184
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.4301503, Longitude: 8.9503005

commenti 5

  • Dada Vfc

    Dada Vfc


    It looks astonishing, very impressive, I'm speechless!

  • Emanuela Mae Agrini

    Emanuela Mae Agrini


    The biggest and most important cemetery in Genova, it is well known for its stunning sculptures and its size. Recommended, it's a marvel.

  • Trevor Wilson

    Trevor Wilson


    The cemetery was OK, not much different to some of the other ones we had visited such as Lucca, but the guides were annoying all the time. One man kept hassling us but he didn't speak English. We told him we only spoke English and Spanish but he kept pestering us the whole time. While we were visiting the cemetery our camper van was broken into and some of our possessions were stolen - the van was parked right outside the cemetery in the car park! Be very careful!!

  • Jerry C

    Jerry C


    Very beautiful cemetery with many sculptures and tombs which have high quality of details. If you are in Genova, you have to visit it. The cemetery is closed at 16:30 (not at 17:00). Don´t forget to take a repellent against mosquitos.

  • Ashley Davidson-Fisher

    Ashley Davidson-Fisher


    Spectacular! One of the most incredible cemeteries/ "art museums of sculptures" that you will ever see. If you love history and amazing sculptures, then put this place on your "to go visit" list. I could not believe how beautiful and intricately perfect the statues are. So incredibly made that you would swear they come to life after hours. This place is enormous so make sure you leave at least a half a day in your schedule to see it, maybe even longer. It's unfathomable that the statues are not just decoration, but also tombs and there are so many of them! Fantastic photo opportunities are everywhere in this place. I did not take the guided tour but it's on my list to do in the future. I've heard good things about it. The cemetery is free to enter. For the guided tour, you have to pay a small fee. Do not miss this!

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