Monumental Cemetery a Milano

ItaliaMonumental Cemetery



🕗 orari di apertura

Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale, 20154, Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 02 8844 1274
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.4873357, Longitude: 9.1777588

commenti 5

  • Hilola Niyazova

    Hilola Niyazova


    Incredible place to visit. So many sculptures and buildings, impossible to describe with words. The best place I have visited in Milano. I would say better than the museum at Cariolli. The atmosphere, the magnificence of the place is breath taking!

  • Al Stan

    Al Stan


    An amazing City of the Dead. I've never seen a cemetery that came close to this one. Lots of crazy sculptures and buildings. A stroll inside is fascinating and for free.

  • en

    Laura Palencsar


    An absolutely must to visit if you are in Milano. It's free, beautiful but shocking at the same time. Be prepared to spend at least an hour there, because you will just not get enough of the old sculptures on the top of the graves.

  • Raminta BartkutÄ—

    Raminta BartkutÄ—


    I can't stress enough of how important it is to visit this place! It's absolutely free and was one of the best experiences I had in Milan. The cemetery is quite large so be ready to walk around for at least 2 hours if you want to see as much as possible. You can also explore the large building near the entrance. There are metro and tram stops nearby and the cemetery is very easy to find.

  • Yousef Almubarak

    Yousef Almubarak


    With full respect to the souls reset at this place, it is really does not look like a cemetery. You feel that you are walking in a museum full of art and prefect touch. Some of the monuments reflect sad story while others are showing the joy beyond our life. It is amazing how the artists translated the life of several people resting in the cemetery. Highly recommended.

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