Olivia Natural Bistrot a Siracusa

ItaliaOlivia Natural Bistrot



🕗 orari di apertura

118, Viale Teocrito, 96100, Siracusa, Provincia di Siracusa, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 0931 61364
sito web: www.olivianaturalbistrot.it
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 37.0755123, Longitude: 15.282895

commenti 5

  • John Montgomery

    John Montgomery


    We came across this by accident as we are not vegetarians. Nonetheless, the food was nice. If we had been vegetarians then maybe I'd have given this a higher rating... But when you are longing for some meat and find none on the menu then there is a little disappointment. Not the fault of the restaurant but hard for me to judge how good it is

  • en

    Jonathan Ward


    Open every day. Lunch on Wednesday 11 April 2018 (More truthfully, I should say NOT lunch on Wednesday 11 April 2018!) We are vegetarians who like to drink wine. First of all, we had to ask for a menu as there were none to be seen. Then deal with a puzzled look on the face of the waitress and wait for five minutes before menus in English (I actually wanted one in Italian) were handed to us. OK. (Maybe they produce a new menu every day.) Then I asked about a house wine in half litres or litres. No. Only by the glass or by the bottle. OK. So how much by the bottle? Not sure. Let me go ask for a wine list. Wine list handed over. (Prices started at €19.00.) I didn't want a bottle of wine that would require a visit to the cash machine. Waitress wandered off and we made good a swift exit.

  • Caro y Fred

    Caro y Fred


    Great veggie resto! Loved the options on mains , the environment of the place and desserts! (pistachio-choco cheesecake is a must!!!) We will come back!

  • en

    Adrian Szumski


    Very nice place for breakfast and lunch. Nice atmosphere, place is popular among local population.

  • en

    Anestis Pontikakis


    Very good food! Limited menu but amazing flavor combinations.

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