San Giuseppe Hospital a Milano

ItaliaSan Giuseppe Hospital



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Domenicaaperto 24 ore
12, Via San Vittore, 20123, Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, IT Italy
contatti telefono: +39 02 85991
sito web:
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Latitude: 45.4630565, Longitude: 9.1716635

commenti 5

  • it

    elisabetta castellano


    Noi abbiamo avuto un ottima impressione... e ne giriamo di ospedali! Personale preparato, qualificato ed attento. Veramente very compliments per la vs professionalità

  • en

    Antonella Golino


    No comment!

  • Mahmoud Anwar

    Mahmoud Anwar


    A terrible experience I’m living at the moment, 4 hours Waiting at the ER, completely tired, dehydrated and without sleep or eating for 36 hours. The absolute rudeness the staff is dealing with the patients, I believe if you were at the police station for a crime to committed, they would have treated you better than that. I have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, which turns my chest and my stomach into fire, I cannot set down because everytime I set it comes back and it feels horrible, after 4 hours of waiting, I explained my situation begging for someone to help me, I cannot stand on my feet, my pressure is low and the pain from stomach is much worse than the pain of my standing feet. They simply replied, you have to wait, maybe one house maybe 2, if you want you have to wait!!!!!! Maybe I come form a third world country, that has the most unequipped hospitals, but people their care, they understand the massage and their mission to stop people’s pain what’s so ever. Eventually, DO NOT GO TO THAT HOSPITAL, EVER!

  • en

    Rosie Salvucci


    Absolutely horrible. Will never go back again. I waited twice in the ER for six hours each time only to be prescribed a medication that I was allergic to (I told the doctors this and they said yes but take it until you feel bad and then come back to the ER). I also had two other appointments at the hospital and both were useless and a waste of time. I finally went to humanitas in rozzano and they took care of my issue in less than 20 minutes... without trying to poison me. 4 awful experiences at this hospital in 2 weeks. Never again.

  • Lim Chong Yan

    Lim Chong Yan


    Fast services and generally helpful, even though there were some language barriers.

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